My Grandmother was a genius
PROMOTING INDUSTRALIZATION IN NIGERIA. “Starving research and development are like eating the seed corn” … Mitt Romney . Two days ago, I saw this statement on a friend’s Facebook (FB) timeline and this statement captured my attention, it becomes a disturbing urgent concern because we have given a deaf ear and blind eyes to the cry of freedom of the research and development industry of our subconscious. When I was ten (10) years old, my grandmother who believed in critical analysis and explanation, never saw the four walls of education but observed and data for futuristic references, she will always call, ‘’ Uche… chukwum’!!!’ ‘’ bring my Dishio..nary bookings, I hav my writ ’’ in her tribal accent. She often asked the question, ‘’WHY’’, she was sensitive and curious about happenstance, at Ninety-Six (96) years of age , she could still recite buy palm nut from women to produce oil for local consumptions. She made a remarking statement that has lived with me...